Our goal at AFCW is to provide you with chiropractic care tailored to fit your exact needs. We offer a wide range of services to accommodate that goal. During your consultation, we will work to carefully and methodically listen to your needs and address them thoroughly. Our staff will take the time to answer your questions and the doctor will provide you with an appropriate treatment plan. Below are some of the the treatments and services we offer.
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Myofascial Release Technique
- Hot-moist therapy, Cryotherapy, Electrical Muscle Stimulation Therapy
- Kinesio-taping
- Nutritional Consulting, Weight Loss, Sports Nutrition
- Rehabilitation (post-surgery, post-injury & accidents)
- Wellness
- School physicals, Sports physicals
- Auto Accidents, Slips and Falls
We can also help with general chiropractic needs such as:
- Lower Back Pain
- Mid Back Pain
- Neck & Shoulder Pain
- Headaches & Migraines
- Joint Pain & Nerve Pain
- Sports Injuries
- Work Injuries
- Posture
- Ergonomics
- Children & Infants
- Senior Wellness